1、 General
The design drawing of railway bridge spherical bearing (TJQZ - 8160/Tongqiao 8160) series products is a set of drawings completed on the basis of the scientific and technological research and development plan project of the Ministry of Railways, "Research on key technologies of new line construction - Experimental research on spherical steel bearing of railway simply-supported beam bridge (2010G016-F)" The installation dimensions of the pier and abutment interface (bolt hole position, bolt hole diameter, support height) are consistent with the general reference drawing of railway engineering (Tongqiao [2007] 8160) issued by the Economic Planning Institute of the Ministry of Railways, and are applicable to the commonly used span prefabricated simply-supported T-beam bridges of new, reconstructed and expanded railway projects and existing railway reconstruction projects in China.
2、 Bearing performance
1. The vertical design bearing capacity of the bearing is divided into five levels: 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 and 3000kN.
2. Design horizontal force of bearing (main force):
The design horizontal force of the fixed bearing in all directions, the longitudinal movable bearing in the transverse direction of the bridge, and the transverse movable bearing in the longitudinal direction of the bridge is the vertical design bearing capacity of the bearing:
15% - the area where the design peak ground motion acceleration Ag ≤ 0.1g;
20% - the area where the design seismic peak acceleration is 0.1g < Ag ≤ 0.15g;
30% - the area where the design peak ground motion acceleration is 0.15g < Ag ≤ 0.2g;
40% - the area where the design seismic peak acceleration is 0.2g < Ag ≤ 0.3g.
The design horizontal force of the multidirectional movable bearing in all directions, longitudinal movable bearing along the bridge direction and transverse movable bearing in the bridge direction is 5% of the vertical design bearing capacity of the bearing.
3. Design displacement of bearing:
The design displacement of multidirectional movable bearing (DX) and longitudinal movable bearing (ZX) along the bridge direction is ± 30mm;
The design displacement of multidirectional movable bearing (DX) and transverse movable bearing (HX) in transverse bridge direction is ± 10mm.
4. Design friction coefficient of movable bearing with silicone grease lubrication:
Normal temperature (- 25 ℃~60 ℃): μ≤ 0.03;
Cold resistance (- 40 ℃~- 25 ℃): μ≤ 0.05。
5. Design angle of support: 0.02rad.
6. The support is suitable for the longitudinal slope range of the line from 0 to 30 ‰, and the slope setting of the top surface of the upper support plate:
I0 ― no slope is set on the top surface of the upper bearing, which can adapt to the longitudinal slope range of the line 0 ‰ ≤ i ≤ 4 ‰;
I8 ― The top surface of the upper bearing is set with a gradient of 8 ‰, which can adapt to the longitudinal gradient range of the line of 4 ‰ < i ≤ 12 ‰;
I16 ― The top surface of the upper bearing is set with a gradient of 16 ‰, which can adapt to the longitudinal gradient range of the line 12 ‰ < i ≤ 20 ‰;
Ixx - the top surface of the upper bearing is set with a gradient of xx ‰, which can adapt to the longitudinal gradient of the line of xx ‰, 20 ‰ < xx ‰ ≤ 30 ‰.
7. Height adjustment of reserved base plate of support: reserved height adjustment of bolt is 20mm.
8. Applicable temperature range:
Normal temperature bearing (C): - 25 ℃~+60 ℃;
Cold resistant bearing (F): - 40 ℃~+60 ℃.
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No. 37, Chaoyang Street, Fengnan District, Tangshan, Hebei
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